Community Centers
The Peoples Community Center is located at 1021 Tidewater Avenue and is a multi-purpose facility for citizens of the community. Activities include a food bank, voting site, and other community related activities. The facility is mamaged by The Peoples Communty Center Board of Directors.
The Victoria-Lunenburg Community Centre located on 6th Street serves as a major gathering place for many large community events. The facility is owned an operated by the Victoria-Lunenburg Community Centre, Inc. The facility was dedicated March 21, 1941 as a gift to the community from Robert Miles Williams and his father, Walter Williams. The Victoria-Lunenburg Community Centre in the past has been home to roller skating, Victoria High School basketbal games, record hops, and many other community related activities.

Victoria-Lunenburg Community Center
Victoria-Lunenburg Community Centre
1421 6th Street
Victoria, VA 23974
People's Community Center
1021 Tidewater Avenue
Victoria, VA 23974