Zoning Applications & Building Permits

Zoning Application and Permits

The Town of Victoria Zoning Ordinance was established to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens and business of the town.  A zoning application must be submitted prior to the erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, adding to, or alteration of any structure, or the establishment of any land use, except as listed below:

  • Patios,
  • Accessory structures less than six feet in height and 20 square feet in area.

Once an application is submitted, reviewed, and approved by the zoning administrator a zoning permit will be issued.  Zoning permits are valid for a period of one year.  The Town of Victoria Zoning application is below in the relevant documents section or may be obtained at the town office.


Building Permits and Inspections

The Town of Victoria does not issue buildling permits or perform building inspections.  Building permits and inspections are handled by the Lunenburg County Building Inspector.  Contact information and information regarding permits and applications can be found on the building inspector's office website.


Lunenburg County Building Inspector