Discolored Water
The Town of Victoria’s primary water source is the Nottoway River. The raw water from the river is pumped to the water filtration plant for treatment prior to being pumped into the water system. Water plant operators continually monitor the incoming water and adjust as needed to meet Virginia Department of Health requirements.
Each year during late July and August the water temperature in the river water increases making manganese more prevalent. Manganese is a natural occurring element that is found in rocks, soil, groundwater, and surface water. Manganese is an essential human dietary element that is important in metabolism of amino acids, cholesterol, glucose, and carbohydrates. It also has a role in bone formation, blood clotting, and reducing inflammation.
Unfortunately, increased levels of manganese during the hot months of summer cause problems for the water. Some of the negative effects of manganese on the water are discolored water and poor tasting water. The water plant operators continually monitor the levels of manganese in the water and adjust treatment as needed. With an ever-changing water source, the levels change continually which leads to discolored water.
The operators conduct multiple tests during the day to ensure the water meets the requirements of the Virginia Department of Health. To work to manage the discoloration, the Town of Victoria is consulting with experts in the waterworks field to find a long-term solution for the manganese issue.
The use of an outside faucet to flush your resident’s water system may help reduce the amount of discolored water. The Town of Victoria plans to flush fire hydrants September 16th & 17th. This flushing will provide another means of removing the discolored water. The flushing of hydrants will take place overnight on these dates.